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Ease of Doing Business in Africa

Ease of Doing Business in Africa: Top 5 Business Friendly Markets

Before expanding into African markets, global businesses must conduct detailed research to determine which markets offer the most favourable conditions that match their expansion objectives. And for most international companies, the relative ease of doing business in Africa is a powerful instrument for assessing which country will serve as their next best global frontier.   Thus, gathering data from the World Bank’s 2020 Doing Business Report, […]

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African Continental Free Trade Area

African Continental Free Trade Area – What you need to know about AfCFTA

Since the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is the largest free-trade area globally by the number of countries, and it came into force on 1st January 2021. The goal is to bring together all 55 member states of the African Union (AU), covering a market of over 1.2 billion

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Expanding to a New Market

Expanding to a New Market? Go Global but Think Local

Expanding into a new market requires a deep understanding of the new terrain. This venture becomes challenging because of the complexities of the foreign land which requires an understanding of the target market, local legislations and requirements, competitions and market trends. Multinational businesses like McDonald’s, Starbucks, Microsoft, Coca-Cola that have launched their businesses across various

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Hiring Remote Employees

Hiring Remote Employees? 6 Tips on Hiring the Right Talent

While expanding your workforce to include a global talent pool sounds appealing, new challenges may erupt. As businesses adapt to maximise the availability of global talent to scale their operations, talents are also equipping and positioning themselves to take up virtual roles beyond geographical boundaries to achieve their career objectives. According to a CISION, 80%

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Top 11 Steps to Successfully Set Up a Business in Nigeria

Top 11 Steps to Successfully Set Up a Business in Nigeria

With a current population of over 200 million, Nigeria has been projected to become the fourth most populous country by the year 2050. The large population and the business-friendly policies introduced by the current government have made Nigeria a destination of choice for investors worldwide. The AfCFTA Agreement which came into effect on the 1st

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Doing business In Africa

Doing Business In Africa: Complete Market Entry Guide

With growth stagnating across different continents, business leaders often look to new markets to find opportunities to grow their international presence and improve business margins. With its young and growing population that literally guarantees a high demand for consumer goods, rising middle class, growing GDP, improving infrastructure, and deliberate policy interventions to improve the ease

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Minimum Wage In Africa

Minimum Wage In Africa: Trends in Minimum Wages Across 11 African Countries

Once you have decided to expand into Africa, winning new customers isn’t necessarily going to be a big challenge because of the growing demand for innovative products and services across the continent. The real challenge is aligning your employment and day-to-day operation strategies with each country’s rules and regulations. It is critical to understand that

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International Business Expansion: Top 5 Business Reasons to Expand to Africa

International Business Expansion: Top 5 Business Reasons to Expand to Africa

International business expansion has become the new norm for organisations that are in search of a faster growth rate than they can get within their local markets. It provides international businesses with the opportunity to gain valuable competitive advantage by diversifying their market, providing better access to talent, improving brand reputation, increasing revenue potential, and

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Challenges Women Face In the Workplace

The Challenges Women Face at Work in Africa and How to Overcome Them

I probably don’t have to remind you of the statistics about women in high-level leadership positions in the world today. According to research carried out by Catalyst in 2019, the proportion of women in senior management roles globally grew to 29%, the highest number ever recorded. In 2020, this percentage remained the same. Sometimes, all

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