Borderless Impact (Webinar Replay) -

Kenya – International HR Solutions and Services

Meeting the expansion and talent needs of global businesses looking to expand to Kenya.

Maximise Kenya’s Potential with Workforce Africa – No Entity Needed

Our range of services for Kenya offer a scope of benefits to help foreign companies seeking to:

Enter into the Kenya market

Expand their operations in Kenya

Succeed globally by leveraging talent in Kenya

…without needing a registered entity.

However, we can also support your entities in Kenya with any required international HR services for your remote, distributed and onsite teams in Kenya. Our services, including hiring, onboarding, payroll, tax, compliance with local labour laws and more, ensure your organisation is fully compliant and can operate smoothly in Kenya.

In addition, our team of experts have extensive knowledge of the Kenya market, so you can have confidence in our ability to provide top-quality support and guidance to your organisation.

Our solutions for Kenya

Kenya PEO

Outsource all HR services from hiring and onboarding to payroll, talent management and more so you can focus on winning in Kenya.

Kenya Employer of Record

Fast track your global expansion journey by hiring and paying staff anywhere in Kenya without setting up a local entity.

Kenya Payroll Services​

Outsource and standardise payroll processing and compliance for your remote team in Kenya.

Kenya Entity Support & Management

Navigate the complex immigration processes for expatriate workers seamlessly; and ensure they settle in without hassle.

Kenya Independent Contractor

Find, hire and manage top independent Contractors based in Kenya. Avoid misclassification errors and other compliance concerns.

Kenya Offshoring Services​​

Kenya Offshoring Services Leverage Kenya’s top talent for your business growth and Kenya projects. Save time, cut costs, focus on your core business, and enjoy 24/7 operations.

Join the ranks of companies that trust Workforce Africa to manage their Nigeria payroll, compliance, and other PEO/EoR needs

Learn more about Kenya

Remote Hiring Compliance with Africa Public Holiday Laws

Kenya Employee Benefits

Learn about how compensation and employee benefits work in Kenya.

Hiring in Africa How Virtual Assistants Skills Benefit Multinationals

Kenya Independent Contractors

Learn about how hiring employees & independent contractors work in Kenya.

How to Navigate Compensation for Remote Employees in Africa Compliantly

Kenya Payroll Compliance

Learn about how payroll compliance work in Kenya.

Outsourcing to Nigeria: The Pros & Cons

Kenya Work Visa & Permits

Learn about how work visa & permits work in Kenya.

Get Started & schedule a consultation with us today