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Common Offshoring Mistakes to Avoid When Outsourcing to Africa

October 6, 2023


Offshoring to Africa offers unique opportunities for cost savings, access to a diverse talent pool, and potential market expansion.

This article delves into the reasons, benefits and impact of offshoring to Africa and mitigating the challenges, the common offshoring mistakes to avoid.

In today's global business landscape, offshoring has become a common strategy for organisations seeking cost-effective solutions and access to diverse talent pools.

With its growing workforce and emerging markets, Africa has gained prominence as an offshoring destination.

However, successful offshoring requires careful planning and execution. This article will delve into the top offshoring mistakes to avoid when considering Africa as your offshore destination.

Understanding these pitfalls is essential for businesses aiming to harness the continent's potential while minimising risks and maximising benefits.

What Is Offshoring?

Offshoring involves migrating services to another country to take advantage of lower costs.

We cannot beat down the    benefits of Offshoring  as it is one of the most common forms of global business; it is a longstanding practice of importing services into one's own country from another country.

It means engaging and collaborating with a business partner in another country to handle a portion of your business processes.  The team comprises local or foreign nationals in the country where you are outsourcing. 

When hiring an outsourced team, focusing on relevant skills regardless of nationality is necessary.

Why Offshore to Africa?

Africa is making a name for itself globally in every human endeavour, with many seeing Africa as the "Salt of the World".

It is accepted that Africa talents has great potentials to offer global companies at a lower cost for a similar service compared to other continents. 

Another factor driving offshore outsourcing to Africa is its vast population, mostly comprised of youths who have the expertise and are willing to work to earn a decent wage for their hard work.  

The potential pool of available workforce in Africa that can fill an open position with a needed skill is much higher than in Western countries. 

Putting the reasons into context; 

Cost Savings

One of the reasons companies offshore to Africa is cost savings.

The labour cost in many African countries is significantly lower than their Western counterparts, making it an attractive option for outsourcing services, manufacturing, and customer support.

Skilled Labor

Africa is the raw material hub of the world, with a growing pool of qualified professionals in various industries, including IT, engineering, finance, and healthcare.

Companies offshore to Africa for this talent pool and Workforce Africa has an extensive collection of exceptional talent that organisations can leverage when offshoring. 

Market Expansion

Africa is rapidly growing economically, and this is like an invitation to companies looking to expand.

Offshoring to Africa is a window of opportunity for multinationals and premium startups to establish their presence in a rapidly growing market. 

Regulatory & Tax Incentive

Also, some African countries offer favourable regulatory environments and tax incentives to attract foreign investment. These incentives can include tax holidays, reduced import tariffs, and simplified business registration processes.

Infrastructure Development

In recent years, Africa has seen a significant increase in infrastructure investments in transportation, telecommunications, and energy. Improved infrastructure makes it more attractive for companies to operate in the region. 

Diversification of Risk

Offshoring to Africa is another way for companies to diversify their operational risk by spreading their operations across different regions and time zones. 

Positive Impact of Offshoring to Africa 

As a management consulting firm with 19 years of expertise in strategy development, we can tell you one truth that many organisations often shy away from.

Offshoring is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its success often hinges on careful planning and evaluation of performance and outcomes.

Our expertise can be valuable to your organisation in guiding you through your offshoring processes to maximise its benefits fully. 

Offshoring can have several positive effects on companies when executed effectively with professional guidance on the pros and cons, well-managed and can be leveraged strategically.

Below are some of the positive impacts of Offshoring; 


 Offshoring allows for flexibility, allowing companies to scale their operations up or down more quickly in response to market demand. This flexibility becomes valuable and handy in industries with fluctuating workloads. 

Focus on Core Competencies

Offshoring helps organisations shed the weight of non-core functions such as customer support, data entry, or IT services, allowing them to focus their in-house resources on core business activities such as innovation and strategic planning.

Access to Global Talent

Offshoring helps organisations access a diverse talent pool with different skill sets and perspectives, as it is especially beneficial for roles that necessarily do not need to be retained within organisations. 

Improved Operational Efficiency

Offshoring helps organisations improve operational efficiency through standardised processes and streamlined workflows. It reduces errors, offers quicker turnaround time, and enhances customer satisfaction.

Time Zone Advantage

Leveraging offshore teams working in different time zones can aid 24/7 operations, allowing companies to provide round-the-clock customer support and speed up project delivery times. 

Risk Mitigation

Offshoring can reduce the impact of local problems, such as natural disasters or economic recessions, by diversifying the company's operations across different geographic locations.

Global Market Presence

Offshoring can also help companies establish a worldwide presence and expand into new markets more efficiently. Local teams can provide valuable insights and adapt services to meet the needs of international customers. 

Innovation and Collaboration

Offshoring can foster collaboration and innovation by bringing together diverse teams with varied perspectives and expertise, leading to creative problem-solving and developing new ideas and solutions. 

Cost-Effective Compliance

Companies can navigate complex regulatory and compliance requirements cost-effectively by working with local experts with knowledge of offshore laws.

Competitive Advantage

Offshoring gives organisations a competitive advantage by allowing companies to deliver high-quality products or services at a lower cost than their competitors, helping them to win market share and drive growth. 

Resource Allocation

Offshoring helps companies allocate their resources more strategically by offshoring non-core functions, as this will free up capital and talent for strategic initiatives and investments. 

Mistakes to Avoid While Offshoring to Africa 

Offshoring can be a valuable strategy for organizations that want to reduce costs, increase geographic reach, and benefit from the global talent pool.

However, it is important to carefully consider the risks involved before offshoring any operations.

Without careful planning and due diligence, offshoring can lead to serious problems, such as damage to a company's reputation and loss of control over operations.

Offshoring to Africa has many benefits, but awareness of the unique challenges and risks is essential. Here are the top offshoring pitfalls to avoid when expanding business operations to Africa.

Lack of Due Diligence

Failing to conduct thorough research and due diligence on the chosen African country, including its political stability, economic conditions, legal environment, and infrastructure, could be equivalent to setting valuable resources on fire. 

Ignoring Cultural Differences

Never underestimate the power of culture. Only underestimating the significance of cultural differences, including language, communication styles, and business etiquette, can lead to misunderstandings and inefficiencies. 

Overlooking Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Never neglect working with local management consulting firms- failure to navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape in African countries can result in legal issues, delays, or unexpected costs.

Consult with legal experts familiar with the local laws and regulations to ensure full compliance with labour laws, taxation, and intellectual property. 

Poor Vendor Selection

Don't rush into partnerships with offshore vendors without a rigorous vendor selection process, which can lead to issues with quality, reliability, and accountability.

Consistently implement a thorough vendor selection process that evaluates the vendor's experience, reputation, capabilities, and financial stability. 

Insufficient Communication

Always ensure communication is clear, concise and complete between onshore and offshore teams to avoid misalignment, misunderstandings, and project delays.

One way to avoid this challenge is to establish a robust communication protocol, leverage technology for real-time collaboration, and ensure regular team updates and feedback sessions.

Neglecting Talent Development

Never ignore investing in your team's development, as it could impede your team's overall performance. You need to invest in training and talent development for offshore team, to improve their ability to perform at their best.

Not Adapting to Local Context

Only try to impose a one-size-fits-all approach if you adapt to the unique cultural, economic, and operational context of the African country you are offshoring to. Always ensure your strategies, processes, and business models align with local contexts. 

Lack of Long-Term Strategy

Never approach offshoring to Africa with a closed mindset, limiting your strategies to short-term strategy. Taking Offshoring as a short-term cost-cutting measure without a clear long-term strategic plan may determine your full potential of Offshoring.

To avoid offshore outsourcing failures, you must develop a comprehensive offshoring strategy that aligns with your company's long-term goals and objectives. 


Effective Offshoring requires a well-planned and long-term strategy. Careful consideration of each African country's specific advantages, challenges and working with the right management consulting firm will make offshoring successful.

You can partner with Workforce Africa - one of Africa's leading offshoring firms, to provide the correct information and support needed to succeed. To get started, click here to   schedule a free consultation here

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