What Is 360 Degree Performance Appraisal & How to Use It
The purpose of any performance appraisal is to provide an employee with adequate feedback on their performance and serve as a basis for modifying or changing their behaviour toward more effective working habits and the desired outcome. Traditionally, performance appraisals are done by the direct supervisor of the employee. However, in the case of a […]
Discrimination & Harassment in the Workplace: 6 Tips for Training Managers
Studies show that 60% to 70% of women have been on the receiving end of discrimination and harassment in the workplace at some point during their careers. While these are staggering numbers, the data on discrimination is even more so. A recent survey reported that 70% of respondents indicated that they experienced some discrimination or […]
Top 5 Ways to Improve Employee Efficiency at Work
Improving employee efficiency that leads to profitability is the holy grail of every business. And yet, in most organisations, this level of performance is often elusive or sporadic at best. As unpredictable as sustained employee productivity might seem, making minor changes to habits and tools can drastically improve your business’s productivity and work efficiency. This […]
Buying HR Technology? Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid
As technology opens the door to a whole new world of possibility for human capital management, we are bound to see more businesses thrive as more HR professionals shift focus from administrative tasks to the strategic issues that drive organisations forward. However, the benefits of technology can only be fully actualised if you choose the […]
Furlough vs Layoff: What Every Employer Needs to Know
Furlough and layoff are buzzwords and are of the most loathed terms in the world of work. Nevertheless, if the day comes when an organisation needs to reduce its payroll due to financial hardship, they are options that employers must deeply consider to keep the business stable. But what do the terms mean? Most people […]
Top 4 Ways PEOs Help with Employer’s Responsibilities at Work
Businesses are built to make profits, not lose time managing employee issues. However, this is not to say that they ignore their employer responsibilities, as this could create significant problems in the workforce that derail the organisation from its central purpose. While some organisations can set up HR teams to manage the common concerns that […]
HR Automation: Can all HR Functions Run on Autopilot?
As technology continues to advance and cloud-based techs for HR offer all-in-one human capital management solutions that are both easy to install and implement, there are talks in some corners that soon technology might dominate the world of HR. But can software really eliminate the need for HR professionals? The obvious answer is NO! While […]
4 Underrated Policies to Include in Your Employee Handbook
If you’ve been in HR long enough, you’ve probably had a few instances when you had to wriggle your way out of tricky situations that could have been easily avoided if clear policies had been put in place to mitigate such situations. For instance, in our 17 years of experience as HR consultants, we’ve seen […]
How to Manage Toxic Employees and Protect Your Team
Have you run out of ideas of how to deal with a bad apple on your team— that toxic employee who has nothing positive to say, riles up other team members, and makes the office inhospitable for the rest of the team? The bad news is you’ve got a contagious problem on your hands. Not […]
PEO vs EOR: How to Choose the Help You Need
If your organisation is dipping its toes into international waters for the first time and you are trying to decide which HR outsourcing model is best to help you build and sustain a global remote workforce, then chances are that you’ve come across the terms Professional Employer Organization (PEO) and Employer of Record (EoR). Though […]