Scaling Smart (Webinar Replay) -

Employee Benefits

Employee Value Proposition: How to Deliver Your EVP to Attract & Retain Top Performers

Decades ago, nobody paid any attention to cultivating an employee value proposition because all the power was in the hands of employers. All of that has changed. Today, power has shifted into the hands of employees, and it will remain with them for some time. Therefore, because the success of your organisation starts with talented […]

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Employee Value Proposition: How to Design & Develop an EVP that Works

Employee Value Proposition: How to Design & Develop an EVP that Works [With Case Study]

If your organisation still clings to the school of thought that “all that our employees should expect from us is a paycheck!” it may be heading for troubled waters.   As more and more companies embrace the remote working model as a tool for recovery from the effects of the pandemic, one of the upshots is

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Employee Value Proposition How to diagnose an Existing EVP

Employee Value Proposition: How to Diagnose an Existing EVP [With Case Study]

An employee value proposition is not just a fancy tagline that promotes your organisation’s image. Instead, employees perceive the experiences, rewards, and opportunities as the value proposition they gain through employment in your organisation.   Simply put, your employee value proposition (EVP) is the experience that employees derive from working for your organisation. It is who

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Employee Value Proposition 5 Fundamental Steps for an Exceptional EVP

Employee Value Proposition: 5 Fundamental Steps for an Exceptional EVP

In over 17 years of providing HR Outsourcing (PEO) services to some of the most progressive businesses in Africa, we have yet to come across a remarkably successful organisation that did not have people as its core source of competitive advantage. Not one!  If you consider that your products or services are the vital basis

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Employee Value Proposition How Compelling EVP Is Crucial to Organisation Success

Employee Value Proposition: How Compelling EVP Is Crucial to Organisation Success

Long gone are the days when organizations had the exclusive privilege to take their pick of talents and ask the almighty question: Why do you want to work with our company?  The tables have turned full circle! These days, top talents have their pick of jobs. They are no longer waiting months to start a

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Minimum Wage In Africa

Minimum Wage In Africa: Trends in Minimum Wages Across 11 African Countries

Once you have decided to expand into Africa, winning new customers isn’t necessarily going to be a big challenge because of the growing demand for innovative products and services across the continent. The real challenge is aligning your employment and day-to-day operation strategies with each country’s rules and regulations. It is critical to understand that

Minimum Wage In Africa: Trends in Minimum Wages Across 11 African Countries Read More »

Challenges Women Face In the Workplace

The Challenges Women Face at Work in Africa and How to Overcome Them

I probably don’t have to remind you of the statistics about women in high-level leadership positions in the world today. According to research carried out by Catalyst in 2019, the proportion of women in senior management roles globally grew to 29%, the highest number ever recorded. In 2020, this percentage remained the same. Sometimes, all

The Challenges Women Face at Work in Africa and How to Overcome Them Read More »