Kenya payroll, hiring, talent management and compliance requirements for your employees and independent contractors.
Workforce Africa simplifies hiring, payroll, talent management as well as your compliance needs for employees and independent contractors in Kenya. No need for a subsidiary or entity setup. From contracts and onboarding to taxes, payroll, and admin tasks, partnering with us — the Kenya Employer of Record services will help you focus on growth for greater levels of success.
Nairobi, Mombasa
Dependent on the contract type
Kenyan Shillings
Ksh. 13,572.909 per month
Kiswahili and English
Kenya Employer of Record (EoR) services impact a number of items that you must comply with when setting up your remote and distributed teams in the country. These items include:
An employment contract is required and must be written in English. It must adequately state the employee’s position and job description/functions, compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of the contract.
Average working hours consist of 45 hours of work per week. The Kenyan law specifies the normal working hours, varied by industries and goes up to 52 hours for factory employees. If an employee works in excess of normal hours per week as specified, the additional hours are treated as overtime.
Paid holidays include:
Foreign employees who fail to renew their work permit with the government face up to 3 years in prison and a fine not exceeding Kshs. 50,000.
Every employee is entitled to 21 annual leave days after one year of service to the company, with full pay.
Good practice dictates that the affected employee be informed one month in advance and logistical facilitation be provided by the employer.
According to the Kenyan Employment Act, the acceptable notice periods are as follows;
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