Employer of Record: Expand into African Markets with Ease

Employer of Record Expand Into African Markets With Ease

If you’ve been seriously contemplating expanding your business into Africa but feel concerned about the inherent difficulties that come with doing business on the continent, here’s something you should consider. As of 2018, there were over 400 foreign companies that had individually succeeded in earning annual revenue of over $1 billion as a result of […]

Employee Value Proposition: How to Diagnose an Existing EVP [With Case Study]

Employee Value Proposition How to diagnose an Existing EVP

An employee value proposition is not just a fancy tagline that promotes your organisation’s image. Instead, employees perceive the experiences, rewards, and opportunities as the value proposition they gain through employment in your organisation.   Simply put, your employee value proposition (EVP) is the experience that employees derive from working for your organisation. It is who […]

Employee Value Proposition: 5 Fundamental Steps for an Exceptional EVP

Employee Value Proposition 5 Fundamental Steps for an Exceptional EVP

In over 17 years of providing HR Outsourcing (PEO) services to some of the most progressive businesses in Africa, we have yet to come across a remarkably successful organisation that did not have people as its core source of competitive advantage. Not one!  If you consider that your products or services are the vital basis […]

Beyond Theory: Why the Right Employees Are Your Greatest Assets

Why the Right Employees Are Your Greatest Assets

“Our employees are our greatest asset.” Everyone is saying it; however, only a handful of organizations genuinely live it out. Naturally, those that abide by this code will win the war for talent because they will do what it takes to prove that they value their people. On the other hand, those that pay lip […]

What is Co-Employment? How to Grow Your Business with Co-Employment

What is Co-Employment How to Grow Your Business with Co-Employment

If you’re the leader of a growing business and you have heard the term “co-employment”, but you’ve never given it much thought or, you’ve often wondered why other organisations bother with such arrangements, the answer is: FOCUS.  The underlying power behind a co-employment arrangement is that it unleashes the force of focus in businesses that […]

3 Ways Strategic HR Leaders Add Value to the C-Suite

3 Ways Strategic HR Leaders Add Value to the C-Suite

For decades, HR has been viewed as a cost centre, and the department has lived by the worthy but uninspiring mandate to optimise labour costs and reinforce compliance. However, in the past couple of years, there has been a shift in the way many organisations think about HR. That’s because, since the beginning of the […]